Theatre company Duckie transforms the Pit area in Barbican into a bedroom complete with a single, a double or a triple bed. The audience arrive, change into their pyjamas and climb onto their beds for a 90-minute show, named Lullaby, of "soothing storytelling and choral cradle song".
Simon Casson, the producer, said: "Every time I go to theatre I fall asleep. So I thought why don't we embrace that idea and make a show that deliberately sends people to sleep." Isn't this a brilliant?
And it is probably the only show in stage history where the audiences are actually meant to all fall asleep!:-)Although the concept of sleeping in a theatre with strangers singing and snoring next to you can be considered an odd thing to try out, Mr Casson stresses that it will "reassure the audience, comfort the audience and be very, very cosy; It is the opposite of challenging". After the 'moonlit soporific serenade followed by seven hours of slow-wave sleep', you will be woken up around 9am in time for the breakfast which will send you on your way.
I've been interested in this event for a long long time (since last autumn, I think), would love to get a double bed and go with a friend.
It would be fantastic to see a performance/exhibition at Barbican beforehand, and instead of heading off for that long, tiring journey back home (where you are always guaranteed to get home around just before midnight), just grab a toothbrush and get into the bed situated right next door!
Ahhh... Can someone come with me, please?
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